CTR (Click-Through Rate) is a way of measuring the success of an online advertising campaign. Increasing your CTR will increase the quality search (QS) and decrease the budget of your ads, while increasing your sales.
There are actions that you can take to increase your click-through rate (CTR), the following tips will give you an idea of what you can do to improve your CTR.
Raising your CTR is a lot easier than you think. There are many ways to do this. An example of which is using combinations of “strong words” which also means strong calls to action.
Call to action is probably the most important for your ad text and even Google tells us to use it in AdWords. It has been proven that not having a call to action in your advert or sales letter can cause your initial CTR to drop and even to become close to zero.
Let’s take into consideration some of the following “strong words” and see how they affect our ads by the emotion they arouse or generate a feeling of encouragement for a reader to click your ad. Also, appreciate how the produced feeling can ultimately affect your conversion rate.
For example, some of the most commonly used “strong words” are: NEW – SAVE – EASY, etc …
There are also several simple, but often ignored, actions that you can take to improve your CTR.
Here are 10 easy tips you can use to improve your CTR :
1. Think of ways to get your site or business on the news. You could sponsor a fundraiser, break a world record, hold a major event, etc.
2. Hold a contest on your web site. Give other web sites the option of offering it to their visitors. This will multiply your advertising all over the internet, therefore increase your CTR.
3. Tell your potential customers that your ordering system is highly secure. Also, reassure them that you take every effort to protect them. This is a very commonly used way to gain on CTR.
4. A natural way to improve your CTR is to carry business cards with you wherever you go. Have your web address printed on them. You can hand them out to anyone you meet.
5. Contact national radio stations to ask them if they are looking for guest speakers. Tell them your area of expertise; maybe they will book you for a show. If you can achieve that,your CTR might just go through the roof.
6. Join clubs related to your area of business. You could trade leads with other businesses. Learn new ways to run your business and sell your products.
7. Think of a domain name for your web site that’s easy to remember. If you can’t find a good one left, use your actual birth name.
8. Position your web site at the top of pay-per-click search engines. You will only pay your set amount for each click-through you get to your web site., but monitor your CTR very closely in order to remain within your advertising budget.
9. Allow your visitors or customers to increase your traffic or sales. Ask them how you can improve your business, web site or product.
10. Team-up with other e-zines that have the same target audience. Combine subscriber bases and then publish one e-zine together to increase subscribers.
What is considered a good CTR?
What is considered a good CTR depends on many factors, of which, two are worth considering:
First, your website’s topic or industry plays a fundamental role in the resulting CTR. For example, CTR results are known to be low in the technology industry and high in the travel industry.
Second, the format of the advertisement can drastically alter the desired CTR. For example, data shows that email campaigns have the highest CTR results (between 2% and 20%) while banner ads have the lowest CTR (an average of 0.25%). Since many websites use the Google AdSense/AdWords Pay-Per-Click program, it is worth acknowledging that the average CTR for AdSense ads is around 2%.
Lastly, a typical CTR for a video ad is between 1% and 2%. At any rate, no matter what your current CTR is and how it compares to the averages, you will want to improve it with the tips above.
Also, to have any chance of hitting high on the CTR scale, your advertising campaign must target your website’s visitor demographics. It is obvious that if you display barbie doll advertisements on a hunting page, you will never get a reasonable CTR, make sure that you understand your audience and what their interests are.
Moreover, using a powerful ad server like AdSpeed, you can target visitors by country, time of day, language, demographics such as sex or age, among many other things. You can even target certain ads to visitors that have arrived to your website using specific keywords during their search engine query.
Ad targeting is very powerful and necessary if you want to see a significant improvement in your CTR.