- You are earning more than $80.00 USD daily
- Your CTR is more than 20% or more
If you ever meet the above criteria then you might have risk of getting banned by Google adsense team. The 2 things are secrets, as I managed to get a copy of a LEAKED Adsense document by Google. Please do not tell anyone.
So how to maintain consistent high CTR without getting banned, make sure your CTR is between 10% and below 20% so you will not get manual reviewed by Google employees. It is very easy to lower your CTR, by reducing the no. of ads unit you have or put your adsense ads at the footer. If you are doing something illegal like black hat adsense methods, anything that violates Google adsense TOS, then please make sure your CTR is below 20% to thwart Google adsense from banning your account. Once you are banned, you are gone forever.
Also if you are doing black hat seo and earning more than $80.00 and I can say you are at risk of getting your adsense account banned! Why? Above $80.00 you will get manual review from Google. If you are earning $80.00 or above daily, better stop any black hat activity on adsense to prevent getting banned for Google Adsense. Once you reached $80.00, do not violate Google adsense tos do everything in white hat instead of black hat methods.