Hope you are having a great Saturday so far. It is only 8:45 am here in Phoenix, I am just drinking some really good coffee and setting up some split tests on one of my Adsense sites.
OK so what do I mean, "most people don't know this"..
I was making a video last night for one of my VIP buyers and I realized that there was a very cool CTR Trick that I needed to tell you about.. here it is:

Make your adblock inside your adsense account, and make the ad title the color of your H1 / H2 tags. You can use colorpic (free tool) to easily grab the hex code of anything on the computer.
Then, once the ad is live on your site, go over the ad and mouse over the ad title.
it will change color. That is the color that Google (with all their money and research) have chosen to use for the mouse over color. I wonder if there is a reason for that?
OF COURSE THERE IS. That is the color that gets clicks!
when you mouse over the adblock with colorpic active press control+G to grab the color that Google has chosen for the mouse over. Now take that hex code, and make an identical ad block to the one you have on the site now, and split test it with the mouse over color from google. You may be surprised at the results.
Just had to share that with you, no need to keep all the ninja tactics to myself!