What is Considered a GOOD CTR?

What is considered a good CTR depends on many factors, of which, two are worth considering:
First, your website’s topic or industry plays a fundamental role in the resulting CTR. For example, CTR results are known to be low in the technology industry and high in the travel industry.
Second, the format of the advertisement can drastically alter the desired CTR. For example, data shows that email campaigns have the highest CTR results (between 2% and 20%) while banner ads have the lowest CTR (an average of 0.25%). Since many websites use the Google AdSense/AdWords Pay-Per-Click program, it is worth acknowledging that the average CTR for AdSense ads is around 2%.
Lastly, a typical CTR for a video ad is between 1% and 2%. At any rate, no matter what your current CTR is and how it compares to the averages, you will want to improve it with the tips above.
Also, to have any chance of hitting high on the CTR scale, your advertising campaign must target your website’s visitor demographics. It is obvious that if you display barbie doll advertisements on a hunting page, you will never get a reasonable CTR, make sure that you understand your audience and what their interests are.
Moreover, using a powerful ad server like AdSpeed, you can target visitors by country, time of day, language, demographics such as sex or age, among many other things. You can even target certain ads to visitors that have arrived to your website using specific keywords during their search engine query.
Ad targeting is very powerful and necessary if you want to see a significant improvement in your CTR.