If you do not know, what is #6A0575 on title you are missing out. This is a underground secrets that can get higher CTR. Don't believe me? Well, normally people will recommend you to change your title colour to #00FFFF which is blue color, as people are accustomed to blue color link but this is totally incorrect. In order to attract higher clicks on your ads you must have a brighter color of title then blue color
Yes, the perfect color of title after 3 years of intensive testing is #6A0575. This is a secret, if you are reading this secret, please keep to yourself only. This color is brighter than blue color and get the highest CTR rate according to our split testings throughout the 3 years. If you have read adsense guides to get higher CTR they will normally ask you to leave your ads title as #00FFFF (blue color) then you are leaving a lot of money on your table.
Also please remember to blend the border, background colors to your website background.