And here it is in action (note that lots of upgrades have been added since this video was recorded):
What it is (jive turkey)
I built CTR Theme to solve my own problem --*I was tired of trying to ram AdSense ads into WordPress themes that weren't built to feature them (and wasting lots of time as a result).* I was tired of having my sites underperform.* I was tired of mediocre earnings.
CTR Theme is designed to showcase AdSense ads and get people to click on them.* It's also built to allow for rapid deployment of new sites... already optimized to earn, almost no tweaking required.* That means you can build lots of them quickly.
Here's how CTR Theme does it:
Removes distractions, focuses on ads
CTR Theme subthemes strip out all the garbage that people might click on instead of your ads, drawing their attention to the thing that actually makes you money.* Clean themes, big ad blocks.* Here are a few of the subthemes available (more being released every week):
Randomizes ad placements to combat ad blindness
With a single click of the button, you can choose to randomize ad placements between the Google-recommended positions. That means every time a visitor comes to the site, the ad layout could be different. This minimizes "ad blindness" and results in improved click-through rates.
Uses a fully-featured admin panel
No more messing around with theme files or hunting for the right plugin to place your AdSense code or adjust theme settings. CTR Theme's admin panel makes short work of these tasks. Have a look for yourself:
Post-Specific Controls
Want to hide ads on a specific post or page (Privacy Policy, for example)? Easy with CTR Theme:
Uses "pushdown images" to put ad blocks just above the fold
You can upload images on a sitewide basis or post-specific that will appear directly above your post title (and ad blocks), pushing your main content further down the screen (below the fold).* This means that your prime real estate (above the fold) will be more images and ads... perfect for high CTRs.
Hides ads from specific referrers
Don't want that DMOZ editor to see ads when they come to your site? Block dmoz-referred traffic from seeing ads. Get initial momentum at StumbleUpon by hiding ads, then display them when traffic is pouring in... you get the idea. You can do some slick stuff with this feature.
Built-in SEO features
No need for plugins to handle your onpage optimization needs.* Meta description and keywords can be added on a per-post basis.
Super Fast Load Times
CTR Theme is optimized to load quickly, helping to reduce visitor bounce rates. With site load time now being used as a ranking factor, you'll never have to worry about your site getting hit with a Google performance penalty.
Uses Google-recommended (heatmap) placements
Google AdSense representatives occasionally contact high-earning websites to recommend ad placement improvements. CTR Theme implements the Google-recommended placements that have helped niche sites earn over $4,000 per month (and sell at auction for as much as $80,000).
Includes one-click updates via WordPress admin panel
Benefit from the combined intelligence of BHT members (and other CTR Theme buyers). Their recommendations and feature suggestions get implemented into CTR Theme updates. As a CTR Theme owner, you don't even have to download and reupload files to upgrade -- just click the link in WordPress and everything happens automatically.
CTR Theme is "Empire-Friendly" and "Flip-Friendly"
Build as many sites as you want with a single license -- the more the merrier.* Are you a flipper?* Me too.* If you flip a site, just file a support ticket with the new owner's information and I'll give them a limited one-site license.
PLUS a Link-Building Guide
The bonus e-book describes the link-building strategy I've used to turn $2.17 .info domains into $250+ per month earners. As a BHT member, you might know all this stuff already, but it's a solid, no-fluff guide.
Get your copy for only $67 NOW!