- 300x250
- 328x280
- 160x600
Let me explain, 300x250 and 328x280 usually blend perfectly to the content, as a result you are getting higher CTR. 160 x 600 is get average CTR rate it don't perform so well, as this unit is not blended in the content well it is usually placed at the sidebar and people usually ignore sidebar stuffs. You can look at CTRTheme or Heatmap PRO theme, both famous adsense CTR themes use 300x250 and 328x280 above the fold to increase the CTR.
Do not use
- 728x90
- 468x60
- 300x600
728 x 90 is not performing well as people usually ignore it or didn't see this adsense unit at all although it is above the fold. What many adsense experts claimed that 468 x 60 giving good CTR if put at the end of the content. I have tested it, people tend to ignore 468 x 60 adsense unit and you will not get any good CTR AT ALL.
During my split testing I have 328x280 and 468x60 adsense unit on end of my content. 328 x 280 get x 4 times better CTR than 468 x 60 so please do not use 468 x 60 unit.
300x600 a new adsense unit introduce by adsense team. I was excited to test out this unit, but after a month of split testing I found out that 328x280 still perform better than 300x600 in terms of CTR. This might due to 300 x 600 is too big and obvious for visitors to recognize that the ads is adsense ads?