8 Secrets To Increase Your Adsense CPM and CPC Together

If you are looking for ways to increase your adsense CPC or CTR. I have good tips for you

1. More white spaces around your ads is better. It attract more attention towards your ads.

<div style="display:block;float:left;margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px;">INSERT-ADSENSE-CODE-HERE</div>

<div style=”float: right;margin: 8px;”>INSERT-ADSENSE-CODE-HERE</div>

What I want you to do is to copy the code above and paste on your website and test out the CTR for a week and see if there is improve in CTR rate. This has been proven by myself and other adsense experts. It works very well.

2. Put your ads above the fold
Put your ads above the fold, I know you will be asking what is above the fold? Above the fold means the page that you see WITHOUT scrolling down the page. This means when you enter the website you straightaway see the ads. But don't be so stupid to put so many ads above the fold, because recently Google has implemented Google Panda to stop ads above the fold. If you have too many ads above the fold, then you might get blacklisted by Google. As a result, you rank lower in the SERPS.


You can check using this tool above to see whether your adsense ads is really above the fold.

3. Put your adsense ads closer to the left.
Why left? not right? I ask you a question how do you read a book? Do you read from left to right? Yes. Everyone in this world has accustom to read content from left to right. That's why when we enter a website we always look at the left item first then slowly move the to right. And if you put your adsense ads on the left, it is better for Googlebot too as Googlebot also crawl from left to right.

Another advantage to put yout ads on the left, is that your browser will load your ads faster as your ads is on the left.

4. Use both image and text ads
So Why The Fuk, should I use both image and text ads? By using both image and text ads, you are making more competition for the advertisers to put ads on your website. Image ads usually get higher CPC as text ads usually have 3-4 ads on it. If you choose both image and text ads, then for the image ads to appear on your site the advertisers of the image ads must win the bid over the 3-4 advertisers on the text ads.

If you enable image and text ads = 1+(3~4) = 4~5 advertisers fighting for your ads spot
If you use only text OR image ads = 3~4) advertisers fighting for your ads spot.

See the difference? You will get higher CPC if you enable both image and text ads. But in fact, some people reported that text ads has 80% CTR higher than text ads. So it is worth to try out both image and text ads or only text ads only.

5. Do not use too many Adsense Ads
What??! A newbie might think that more ads is better there is more chance of people clicking the ads, and you make more money. You are totally wrong :), More ads, people will feel that this site is a spam site and also the ads might be irrelevant to the visitors. When I first started Adsense, I also thought that more adsense units is better as there are more chances of people clicking the ads, I get high no. of clicks. but the CPC is like $0.0.1 per click! and got a 80%+ bounce rate.

For some keywords, although there are high CPC, but there are only a few advertisers if you put too many ads units on your website. Guess what happen? You might get only 1 ad unit filled with relevant ads, and the rest of the ads slot get irrelevant ads.

6. Set up different channels for your adsense ads.
This is very important you should set up different ads channel for each of the adsense ads. To track your ads performance, and tweak the colors of the title, url every week to see if there is any increase in CTR. Or you can change the adsense ads placement on your website to see if there is a increase in CTR. If there is a increase in CTR then record down on a piece of paper or anything else. It is very important to track your ads, to get higher CTR.

I tell you why higher CTR is better because of this, your earning is calculated like this:

CTR*CPC*(No. of clicks - invalid clicks) = You earnings

For example your CTR is 30%, your CPC is $1.20 and your clicks are 202 clicks.

30%*$1.20*202 = $72.72 U.S. dollars 
40%*$1.20*202 = $96.96 U.S. dollars
50%*$1.20*202 = $121.2 U.S. dollars

Get it? So the higher your CTR, the higher your daily earning for adsense.

7. Only let search engine vistors to see your adsense ads.
Install this plugin as this plugin gives you the ability to let only search engine visitors to view your ads.

Why? Normally people from search engine when their searched a term for example ''acne scars'' they are really interested in acne scars and when they found your website on the Google SERPS and enter your website, they see the adsense ads which is displaying acne scars ads, they will definitely be interested to click on the adsense ads to check out what it is talking about.

8. Blend your background and border to your website background color. This is common sense to make your ads blend into your content making the ads look like part of the content links.